2nd/3rd Grade
4th/5th Grade
BOYS in 2nd-5th Grades – [REGISTER]
Boys will play 5 v. 5 full court. Program emphasizes teamwork, basketball fundamentals and character development. Jerseys can be purchased at the Firley YMCA front desk.
Boys YBA: (2nd – 5th Grade)
Regular Registration: November 1-30
Fees: $40 Y-member; $60 Non-member
Late Registration: December 1-8
Fees: $50 Y-member; $70 Non-member
Games Begin: Saturday, January 11
Jerseys – These must be worn in games and can be purchased for $15 from the Firley YMCA on Ellis Blvd. If you have one from previous seasons, you do not need to buy a new one.
Practices – Practice day and time will be set by your coach. Once your coach is found, I will be in contact with them. Practices will begin to be offered the week of December 30th
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