1st Grade Boys
1st Grade Girls
2/3rd Grade Boys
2/3rd Grade Girls
4/5th Grade Boys
4/5th Grade Girls
678th Grade Boys
678th Grade Girls
Game Field Map – 63 Sports Complex . Directions – 12610 Renz Farm Rd, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Practice Field Map – 179 Soccer Complex – JQ68+FV, Jefferson City, MO 65109
Jerseys – These must be worn in games and can be purchased for $15 from the Firley YMCA on Ellis Blvd. If you have one from previous seasons, you do not need to buy a new one.
Practices – For PreK-K, you will practice 30 minutes before your scheduled game time. For 1st-8th grade, your practice will be 1 day a week for 1 hour, with a time and day decided by your coach. Once he/she has reserved a time and day, they will reach out to you.
Soccer Gear – You are required to wear shin guards and cleats.
Games Begin: Saturday, March 15
YMCA soccer emphasizes teamwork, fair play, self-confidence, and fun. Volunteers coach our teams to help build skills and encourage character development. This is a 6-week season with games played on Saturdays. Up to two games may be made up. Volunteer coaches are needed, and the volunteer coach will decide what night practices are held. Practices may begin two weeks before the season starts.
Spring Registration
Spring soccer registration will be open January 1. For more information, please contact Cole at 761.9003 or cberhorst@jcymca.org.
Registration: January 1-31
Fees (PreK-K): $40 Y-member; $65 Non-member
Fees (1st-8th Grade): $50 Y-member; $75 Non-member
Late Registration: February 1-8
Fees (PreK-K): $50 Y-member; $75 Non-member
Fees (1st-8th Grade): $60 Y-member; $85 Non-member
Games Begin: Saturday, March 15
Place: 63 Sports Complex
Jerseys: Purchase jerseys at the Firley Y-525 Ellis Blvd.
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